Festival Direzione Europa
By Comune di Cavriago
Europe Day is celebrated on 9 May, an opportunity to celebrate peace and unity in Europe. The date commemorates the anniversary of Schuman’s historic 1950 declaration in which the then French Foreign Minister set out his idea of a new form of political cooperation for Europe, which would make a war between European nations unthinkable.
For the occasion, the Municipality of Cavriago, together with citizens, citizens, associations, informal groups, other bodies and institutions, has organized a series of initiatives aimed at promoting the construction and promotion of a European citizenship and identity on the territory: the Europa Direction Festival.
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With the second edition of the Festival we want to remember that date and that choice, which continues to guarantee peace and prosperity. Through cultural and artistic events, involving both young people and adults, the Municipality celebrates European diversity and promotes a sense of identity and belonging to a common space, recognising that we are all part of a wider community, based on the values of freedom, equality, pluralism, tolerance and solidarity.
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